Download Film The Point of Regret (2011)
Release Date: 6 June 2011 (UK)
Genre: Drama
Cast: Christopher Hatherall, Kai Roberts and Aj Nicol
Subtitle: Indonesia, English (N/A)

English Review
Yorkshire, 1978. A mother, father and their three year old son are brutally stabbed to death while they sleep. There is no motive. They were a model family. The nation is outraged by the senseless killings. Incredibly, the British public are overwhelmingly in favour of bringing back the death penalty to see justice carried out. Even more incredibly the killer, who is caught red-handed trying to drag the father's body out of the house, manages to hide the three year old's body in a place where the investigators, the police and even their dog teams would never find it. For months all the nation can talk about is the "Kid Killer" but, and this is the most incredible fact of all, not because he cold-bloodedly stabbed to death a three year old, his mother and his father, but because these innocent victims were also his family. The "Kid Killer" was their twelve year old son William. Malvern, thirty years later.

Sinopsis Indonesia
Yorkshire, 1978. Seorang ibu, ayah dan tiga tahun mereka putra berusia secara brutal ditikam sampai mati sementara mereka tidur. Tidak ada motif. Mereka adalah keluarga model. Bangsa ini marah oleh pembunuhan tidak masuk akal. Luar biasa, masyarakat Inggris sangat mendukung membawa kembali hukuman mati untuk melihat keadilan dilaksanakan. Bahkan lebih sangat pembunuh, yang tertangkap basah mencoba untuk menyeret keluar tubuh ayah terhadap rumah, berhasil menyembunyikan tiga tahun tubuh tua itu di tempat di mana para peneliti, polisi dan bahkan tim anjing mereka tidak akan menemukannya. Selama berbulan-bulan semua bangsa dapat berbicara tentang adalah "Kid Killer" tetapi, dan ini adalah fakta yang paling luar biasa dari semua, bukan karena dia dengan darah dingin ditikam sampai mati tiga tahun tua, ibu dan ayahnya, tetapi karena berdosa korban juga keluarganya. The "Kid Killer" adalah dua belas tahun putra mereka William tua. Malvern, tiga puluh tahun kemudian.

Download film gratis Super Monkey Returns (2011) 

aka Seoyugi Riteonjeu
Info: [K-Movie]
Release Date: 2011
Genre: Action | Adventure
Cast: Kim Byeong-man, Ryoo Dam, Han Min-gwan, Min Ah-ryeong, Choi Hong-il, Kim Wang-geun
Quality: HDRip
Encoder: Kill-9@Ganool
Subtitle: Indonesia, English (N/A)

English Review
Some 2000 years ago, the “Chun Bo Kyung” existed which was a scripture covering reasons for governing the world. There was an old legend that if someone held the “Chun Bo Kyung,” they would become the most powerful person in the world. Because of this legend, evil forces attempted to retrieve the “Chun Bo Kyung.” A Buddhist monk, Son Oh-Gong, Jeo Pal-Gye and Sa Oh-Jung faught against these evil forces. The monk, Son Oh-Gong, Jeo Pal-Gye and Sa Oh-Jung won the battle and sealed the evil forces in the gourd of a bottle.

In the present day Seoul, South Korea, the relic of Son Oh-Gong, Jeo Pal-Gye, Sa Oh-Jung and the Buddhist monk is found on a construction site. The sealing of the gourd bottle is released in the process. The evils forces arise some 2000 years after their initial confinement and begin to wreak havoc on the world. Son Oh-Gong is the only one who can stop them. Scientists extract DNA from the relic of Son Oh-Gong, Jeo Pal-Gye, Sa Oh-Jung and the Buddhist monk to revive them.

Can these heroes save the world once again?

Sinopsis Indonesia
Beberapa 2000 tahun lalu, "Chun Bo Kyung" ada yang merupakan kitab suci yang mencakup alasan untuk mengatur dunia. Ada legenda tua bahwa jika seseorang memegang "Chun Bo Kyung," mereka akan menjadi orang paling kuat di dunia. Karena legenda ini, kekuatan jahat mencoba untuk mengambil A biksu Buddha, Anak-Gong Oh, Jeo Pal-Gye dan Sa Oh-Jung "Chun Bo Kyung." Berperang melawan kekuatan jahat. Biarawan itu, Putra Oh-Gong, Jeo Pal-Gye dan Sa Oh-Jung memenangkan pertempuran dan disegel kekuatan jahat dalam labu dari botol.

Pada saat ini hari Seoul, Korea Selatan, peninggalan Putra Oh-Gong, Jeo Pal-Gye, Sa Oh-Jung dan biarawan Budha ditemukan di situs konstruksi. Penyegelan botol labu dilepaskan dalam proses. Pasukan kejahatan timbul beberapa 2000 tahun setelah kurungan awal mereka dan mulai melampiaskan malapetaka di dunia. Oh Anak-Falun adalah satu-satunya yang bisa menghentikan mereka. Para ilmuwan mengekstrak DNA dari peninggalan Putra Oh-Gong, Jeo Pal-Gye, Sa Oh-Jung dan biarawan Buddha untuk menghidupkan kembali mereka.

Dapatkah para pahlawan menyelamatkan dunia sekali lagi?

Download Film Gratis Nice Shorts! (2011)

Info: [K-Movie]
Release Date: 2011
Genre: Drama
Cast: Park Keun-rok, Park Joo-hwan, Lee Jong-pil, Kim Ye-ri, Eom Tae-goo
Quality: DVDRip
Encoder: Demitos@Ganool
Source: DVDRip.x264-Pacha
Subtitle: Indonesia, English (N/A)

English Review
"Line" is directed by Park Hyeong Ik and Yoon Hong Ran
Your neighbor's cut line
His room with only a typewriter, a desk, a chair and a plant is the perfect room for work. One day as he is focused in writing, his neighbor crosses a line that shouldn’t be.

"London Exchange Student Richard" is directed by Lee Yong-seung

Mother's friend son Richard wasn't in England?
A revenue officer test-taker Dong-seok graduates London Business School in the revenue office he worked part time in and meets Richard when he comes to Korea to make some money. Telling Dong-seok everything he knew about the work, Richard is the boss's favorite because he’s from abroad. However, Dong-seok feels there’s something fishy about him…

"Growing Old Together" is directed by Kang Jina

A Happy Ending Love Story of Their Own
January 17th 3 AM, Cha-kyeong is dead. June 17th 3 AM, Hyeok-geun is still waiting for Cha-kyeong. People ask the not-okay Hyeok-geun, "Are you okay"? One day, Cha-kyeong appears in front of the still not-okay, not-able-to-sleep Hyeok-geun.

"Home Sweet Home" is directed by Eom Tae-hwa

My Fun House
Ye-ni lives alone…or she thinks so. However, the toothpaste she uses alone finishes so quickly, her scarf disappears then reappears and her unfinished knit muffler seems to be getting longer on its own. What’s happening in Ye-ni’s house?

Sinopsis Indonesia
"Line" diarahkan oleh Park Hyeong Ik dan Yoon Hong Ran
Tetangga Anda memotong garis
Kamarnya dengan hanya mesin ketik, meja, kursi dan tanaman adalah ruang yang sempurna untuk bekerja. Suatu hari saat ia difokuskan dalam menulis, tetangganya melintasi garis yang tidak boleh.

"London Exchange Mahasiswa Richard" diarahkan oleh Lee Yong-Seung

Ibu teman anak Richard tidak di Inggris?
Seorang petugas pencatat penerimaan tes-Dong-Seok lulusan London Business School di kantor pendapatan dia bekerja paruh waktu dan memenuhi Richard ketika dia datang ke Korea untuk membuat uang. Menceritakan Dong-Seok semua yang dia tahu tentang pekerjaan, Richard adalah favorit bos karena dia dari luar negeri. Namun, Dong-Seok merasa ada sesuatu yang mencurigakan tentang dia ...

"Tumbuh Bersama Lama" diarahkan oleh Kang Jina

Sebuah Cinta Happy Ending Cerita Sendiri
Januari 17 03:00, Cha-kyeong sudah mati. 17 Juni 03:00, hyeok-geun masih menunggu Cha-kyeong. Orang-orang bertanya tidak-oke hyeok-geun, "Apakah Anda baik-baik"? Suatu hari, Cha-kyeong muncul di depan masih belum-oke, tidak-mampu-untuk-tidur hyeok-geun.

"Home Sweet Home" yang disutradarai oleh Eom Tae-hwa

Saya Fun House
Ye-ni tinggal sendirian ... atau dia berpikir begitu. Namun, ia menggunakan pasta gigi saja selesai begitu cepat, kerudungnya hilang kemudian muncul kembali dan yang belum selesai merajut syal nya tampaknya akan semakin panjang sendiri. Apa yang terjadi di rumah itu Ye-ni?
Release Date: 25 February 2011 (UK)
Genre: Comedy | Drama
Cast: Aqib Khan, Om Puri and Linda Bassett
Quality: Cam
Encoder: TiTi@Ganool
Source: CAM XVID – SCR0N
Subtitle: Indonesia, English (N/A)

English Review
Manchester, North of England, 1975. The now much diminished, but still claustrophobic and dysfunctional, Khan family continues to struggle for survival. Sajid, the youngest Khan, the runt of the litter, is deep in pubescent crisis under heavy assault both from his father's tyrannical insistence on Pakistani tradition, and from the fierce bullies in the schoolyard. So, in a last, desperate attempt to 'sort him out', his father decides to pack him off to Mrs Khan No 1 and family in the Punjab, the wife and daughters he had abandoned 35 years earlier. It is not long before Ella Khan (Mrs Khan No2) with a small entourage from Salford, England, swiftly follows to sort out the mess, past and present.

Sinopsis Indonesia
Manchester, Inggris Utara, 1975. Sekarang jauh berkurang, tapi masih sesak dan disfungsional, keluarga Khan terus berjuang untuk bertahan hidup. Sajid, Khan termuda, kerdil dari sampah, sangat dalam dalam krisis puber mendapat serangan berat baik dari tirani desakan ayahnya pada tradisi Pakistan, dan dari sengit pengganggu di sekolah. Jadi, dalam usaha, terakhir putus asa untuk 'semacam dia keluar', ayahnya memutuskan untuk berkemas dia ke Mrs Khan No 1 dan keluarga di Punjab, istri dan putri dia telah meninggalkan 35 tahun sebelumnya. Ini tidak lama sebelum Ella Khan (Nyonya Khan No2) dengan rombongan kecil dari Salford, Inggris, cepat berikut untuk memilah kekacauan, masa lalu dan kini.

aka In Love and the War
Release Date: 2011
Genre: Adventure | Romance | War
Cast: Kim Ju-Hyeok, Jung Ryeo-Won, Yu Hae-Jin, Byun Hee-Bong, Yang Jeong-A
Quality: DVDRip
Encoder: Demitos@Ganool
Source: DVDRip XviD VoMiT
Subtitle: Indonesia, English (N/A)

English Review
Set during the Korean war, North Korean soldier Kim Jung-Woong (Kim Ju-Hyuk) aims to liberate the people, but when he meets South Korean Sul-Hee (Jung Ryeo-Won) in a village, he slowly starts to change …

In 1950, residents in a rural village hears rumors of a war. Even though the country of South Korea is in a war, Seokjeongri is a remote rural village seemingly oblivious to what is occurring in other parts of the country. One day, while the villagers are busily preparing for the wedding of the village leader’s granddaughter Sul-Hee, a high level North Korean officer Kim Jung-Woong and his troops appear in front of the villagers. The soldiers appear to be ready to takeover the village, but the residents seem elated that the soldiers have arrived. Jae-Chun welcomes the soldiers passionately and Mr. Baek helps the soldiers. The kind village leader and the warmhearted villagers disarm the soldiers. But, all of these actions taken by the villages are part of a calculated and shred strategy to preserve their own safety.

In Sukjungri, the enemies and residents start to mix together, but the war is going in North Korea’s favor and higher level authorities in North Korea orders a secret mission.

Sinopsis Indonesia
Mengatur selama perang Korea, tentara Korea Utara Kim Jung-Woong (Kim Ju-hyuk) bertujuan untuk membebaskan rakyat, tetapi ketika ia bertemu Korea Selatan Sul-Hee (Jung Ryeo-Won) di desa, ia perlahan mulai berubah ...

Pada tahun 1950, penduduk di pedesaan mendengar rumor perang. Meskipun negara Korea Selatan adalah dalam perang, Seokjeongri adalah sebuah desa pedesaan terpencil tampaknya tak menyadari apa yang terjadi di bagian lain negara. Suatu hari, sedangkan penduduk desa sibuk mempersiapkan pernikahan cucu pemimpin desa Sul-Hee, tingkat tinggi pejabat Korea Utara Kim Jung-Woong dan pasukannya muncul di depan masyarakat. Para prajurit tampaknya siap untuk pengambilalihan desa, tapi warga tampak gembira bahwa tentara telah tiba. Jae-Chun menyambut para prajurit dengan penuh semangat dan Mr Baek membantu tentara. Jenis Desa pemimpin dan penduduk desa simpatik melucuti tentara. Tapi, semua tindakan yang diambil oleh desa-desa adalah bagian dari strategi dihitung dan rusak untuk menjaga keselamatan mereka sendiri.

Dalam Sukjungri, musuh dan penduduk mulai bercampur, tetapi perang ini akan mendukung Korea Utara dan otoritas tingkat yang lebih tinggi dalam pesanan Korea Utara sebuah misi rahasia.

Download film gratis A Cold Day in Hell (2011)
Release Date: 2011
Genre: Action
Cast: Ronald Bumgardner, Kimberly Campbell and Debra Carlsen
Quality: DvdRip Xvid-P2P
Subtitle: Indonesia, English (N/A)

English Review
Sierra Nevada Mountains, 1887: William Drayton, once a crack sharpshooter in the Civil War, has lost his wife and home. He has ascended to the high country, wanting never to be heard from again. But someone is trying to find him — a long-lost daughter, Elizabeth, whom Drayton thought had died long before. Meanwhile, banker-turned-robber baron Horace Scarsdale has mustered an army of cutthroats and guns for hire to help him build his railroad empire. When Drayton returns to civilization with his daughter and friends, he decided to make a stand against Scarsdale, his former employer. Against impossible odds, he faces down the vicious band of raiders that Scarsdale calls The Company Men..
Sinopsis Indonesia
Sierra Nevada Mountains, 1887: William Drayton, sekali jitu retak dalam Perang Sipil, telah kehilangan istri dan rumah. Dia telah naik ke negara tinggi, ingin tidak pernah terdengar lagi. Tapi seseorang sedang mencoba untuk menemukannya - putri lama hilang, Elizabeth, yang telah meninggal Drayton berpikir jauh sebelumnya. Sementara itu, bankir yang berubah menjadi perampok baron Horace Scarsdale telah mengerahkan tentara dan senjata pemotong leher untuk menyewa untuk membantu dia membangun kerajaan kereta api nya. Ketika kembali ke peradaban Drayton dengan putrinya dan teman-temannya, ia memutuskan untuk membuat berdiri melawan Scarsdale, mantan majikannya. Terhadap peluang mustahil, ia menghadap ke bawah pita setan perampok yang Scarsdale panggilan Men Perusahaan ..

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English Review
"Actually Weekly" was serialized in erotic comedy or action of the original live-action comic popular Yuma Asami sexy actress. Midnight Angel in a hot topic in the subject of a cafe YUMA, Daisuke patrons of the store to witness the female victim in the accident unscrupulous talent
Sinopsis Indonesia
"Sebenarnya Mingguan" adalah serial komedi erotis atau tindakan aktris live-action asli Yuma Asami komik populer seksi. Midnight Angel di topik panas di subjek Yuma kafe, pelanggan Daisuke toko untuk menyaksikan korban perempuan dalam kecelakaan bakat yang tidak bermoral

Release Date: 7 June 2011
Genre: Drama | Romance | Sport
Cast: Sharni Vinson, Elizabeth Mathis and Gideon Emery
Quality: BRRip XviD-ETRG
Subtitle: Indonesia, English  (N/A)

English Review
Haunted by the memory of her deceased mother, Dana leaves Malibu behind and heads to South Africa to fulfill her mother's dream of surfing Jefferys Bay.

Sinopsis Indonesia
Dihantui oleh memori almarhum ibu nya, Dana daun Malibu belakang dan kepala ke Afrika Selatan untuk memenuhi impian ibunya surfing Jefferys Bay.

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Release Date: 2011
Genre: Drama | Romance
Cast: Maho Nagase, Rakuto Tochihara
Quality: DVDRip.x264.AC3-zdzdz
Subtitle: Indonesia, English (N/A)

English Review
The live action film ‘Nana to Kaoru’ based on the manga of the same name about SM and youthful pure love written by Ryuta Amazume. Stars Rakuto Tochihara (‘Kamen Rider Hibiki’wink.gif and Maho Nagase.

The story centers on two neighbors and their schoolmates, Nana and Kaoru. Nana is the glamorous vice-president of the student council, while Kaoru is a dull and virgin boy. However, an incident leads them to discover their own bondage, dominance and sadomasochism

Sinopsis Indonesia
Film live action 'Nana untuk Kaoru' berdasarkan manga dengan nama yang sama tentang SM dan cinta murni muda ditulis oleh Ryuta Amazume. Bintang Rakuto Tochihara ('Hibiki'wink Kamen Rider. gif dan Maho Nagase.

Pusat-pusat cerita di dua tetangga dan teman sekolah mereka, Nana dan Kaoru. Nana adalah wakil presiden-glamor dewan mahasiswa, sementara Kaoru adalah seorang anak laki-laki kusam dan perawan. Namun, kejadian membawa mereka untuk menemukan perbudakan mereka sendiri, dominasi dan sadomasochism

Download Film / Movie Nana to Kaoru (2011)
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Release Date: 6 May 2011
Genre: Action | Adventure | Drama
Cast: Chris Hemsworth, Tom Hiddleston, Natalie Portman, Anthony Hopkins, Jaimie Alexander
Quality: TS v2
Subtitle: Indonesia, English

Sinopsis Indonesia
Thor (Chris Hemsworth) adalah seorang pejuang tangguh di dunia Asgard. Di saat yang sama ia adalah putra Odin (Anthony Hopkins), penguasa Asgard. Sayangnya, Thor yang juga disebut sebagai Dewa Petir ternyata mulai sombong dan menyebabkan bangkitnya permusuhan yang sudah berumur ratusan tahun.

Karena kesalahan ini Thor dibuang ke bumi oleh ayahnya sendiri. Thor harus membuktikan bahwa ia layak menjadi putra Odin dan kembali bertahta di Asgard. Saat dalam pengasingan inilah Thor bertemu Jane Foster (Natalie Portman), wanita yang mengenalkannya pada kata cinta. Pelan tapi pasti Thor mulai mencintai rumah barunya ini dan saat ancaman datang mau tak mau Thor harus bangkit membela bumi.

Di luar pengetahuan Thor, ternyata ada yang tak mengharapkan kembalinya Thor ke Asgard dan berusaha untuk menghancurkan bumi beserta isinya. Thor yang kini sudah menganggap bumi sebagai rumahnya pun tergerak untuk bangkit. Walaupun memiliki kemampuan super namun bukan berarti Thor bakal bisa dengan mudah menanggulangi ancaman ini

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Release Date: 1 April 2011 (China)
Genre: Comedy | Romance
Pemain: Kenny Bee, Patrick Tam, Stephy Tang and You-Nam Wong
Quality: DVDScr
Source: DVDScr XviD-ZJM
Subtitle: Indonesia, English (N/A)

English Review
his is a story about thirteen introverted guys and how they conquer their fears for love.

Sinopsis Indonesia
adalah cerita tentang tiga belas orang tertutup dan bagaimana mereka menaklukkan ketakutan mereka untuk cinta.

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Release Date: May 2011
Genre: Drama
Pemain: Amber Perkins, Rachel Quinn, Dean Waite
Quality:  DVDRip XviD-SPRiNTER
Subtitle: Indonesia, English

English Review
Megan Stewart, 14, and her best friend Amy Herman, 13, though opposites in personality, are best friends. Megan carries the front of being the most popular girl in school, but this masks a lifestyle of hard partying, drugs, alcohol and indiscriminate sex. Amy, unpopular and socially awkward, clings to her relationship with Megan as a lifeline to social acceptance. Together, these two young girls forge a deep friendship based on their mutual needs. The two girls regularly communicate by web chat cameras or cell phone, and even meet boys online. As Megan seeks friends who are different from her usual posse of hanger-ons, she is introduced by a friend online to a 17 year-old boy named Josh in a chat room. Megan and Josh bond quickly, leaving Amy feeling a bit left out. One day, Megan goes to meet Josh in person, and she is never seen again. Amy launches into a concentrated effort to find her friend

Sinopsis Indonesia
Megan Stewart, 14, dan sahabat terbaik Amy Herman, 13, meskipun berlawanan dalam kepribadian, adalah teman terbaik. Megan membawa bagian depan menjadi cewek paling populer di sekolah, tapi ini topeng gaya hidup berpesta keras, obat-obatan, alkohol dan seks sembarangan. Amy, menempel tidak populer dan sosial canggung, untuk hubungannya dengan Megan sebagai garis hidup untuk penerimaan sosial. Bersama-sama, kedua gadis muda menjalin persahabatan yang mendalam berdasarkan kebutuhan bersama mereka. Kedua gadis secara teratur berkomunikasi dengan web chatting kamera atau ponsel, dan bahkan bertemu anak laki-laki secara online. Sebagai Megan mencari teman yang berbeda dari pagar betis yang biasa penggantung-ons, dia diperkenalkan oleh online teman untuk seorang anak 17 tahun bernama Josh di chat room. Megan dan obligasi Josh cepat, meninggalkan Amy merasa agak ditinggalkan. Suatu hari, Megan pergi menemui Josh secara pribadi, dan dia tidak pernah terlihat lagi. Amy meluncur ke upaya terkonsentrasi untuk menemukan temannya

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Info: [K-Movie]
Release Date: 2011/05/19
Genre: Drama | Family

Cast: Jin Ji-Hee, Ahn Nae-Sang, Yun Ju-Sang, Choon Ja, Park Jae-hun
Quality: HDRip 480p
Encoder: Putri@Ganool
Source: 720p.HDR.x264-PREGM
Subtitle: Indonesia, English (N/A)

English Review
A Joseon-style school in Gangwon Province doubles as a boot camp for social misfits. One of the teachers, Song-i (Jin Ji-hee), is only 12 but is well-versed in Confucian classics and exhibits charismatic leadership. She faces the greatest challenge ever in her teaching career, however, when a criminal Du-yeol (Ahn Nae-sang) turns out to be her father. Directed by Park Kwang-woo.

Sinopsis Indonesia
Sebuah sekolah Joseon-gaya dalam Provinsi Gangwon ganda sebagai kamp boot untuk secara sosial. Salah satu guru, Song-i (Jin Ji-hee), hanya 12 tetapi juga berpengalaman dalam klasik Konfusianisme dan pameran kepemimpinan karismatik. Dia menghadapi tantangan terbesar yang pernah dalam karir mengajar, namun, ketika seorang penjahat Du-yeol (Ahn Nae-sang) ternyata untuk menjadi ayahnya. Disutradarai oleh Park Kwang-woo.


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Info: [J-Movie]
Release Date: 2011 
Genre: Action
Cast: Anzai Kana
Quality: DVDRip
Encoder: Demitos@Ganool
Subtitle: Indonesia, English (N/A)

English Review
An "Idol" is kidnapped and a bomb strapped to her. She is then given instructions on how to remove the bomb by text messages. She runs around Tokyo and doesn’t get her tits out.

Sinopsis Indonesia
Sebuah "Idol" diculik dan bom terikat padanya. Dia kemudian instruksi yang diberikan tentang cara untuk menghapus bom dengan pesan teks. Dia berjalan di sekitar Tokyo dan tidak mendapatkan payudaranya keluar.


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Release Date: 25 March 2011 (India)
Genre: Drama | Thriller
Cast: Ashutosh Rana, Divya Dutta and Rajit Kapoor
Quality: DVDRip
Encoder: Demitos@Ganool
Source: DVDRip XviD 1CDRip [DDR]
Subtitle: Indonesia, English (N/A)

English Review
Public Prosecutor Mathur names an accused, Sandeep Mishra, and three other suspects who had arranged the homicide of Lucknow-based journalist Monica. The trio are Aseem Ray - a wealthy publisher; Pamela Grewal - a businesswoman; and Chandrakant Pandit - the former Telecom Minister and soon-to-be Chief Minister of Uttar Pradesh. With odds stacked heavily against him, Mathur presents, what is an apparent circumstantial case before a female judge, and must prove beyond a reasonable shadow of doubt, that Sandeep was directly involved - even though direct evidence indicates that the murder was committed by two unknown males, and that the deceased victim lived a dual life.

Sinopsis Indonesia
Mathur Jaksa Penuntut Umum suatu nama, dituduh Sandeep Mishra, dan tiga tersangka lainnya yang telah mengatur pembunuhan Lucknow berbasis jurnalis Monica. Trio ini adalah aseem Ray - penerbit kaya; Pamela Grewal - pengusaha, dan Pandit Chandrakant - Menteri Telecom mantan dan segera-to-be Menteri Kepala Uttar Pradesh. Dengan peluang ditumpuk berat melawan dia, menyajikan Mathur, apa kasus yang tidak langsung jelas sebelum seorang hakim perempuan, dan harus membuktikan di luar bayangan keraguan yang wajar, bahwa Sandeep terlibat langsung - bahkan meskipun bukti langsung menunjukkan bahwa pembunuhan itu dilakukan oleh dua tidak diketahui laki-laki, dan bahwa korban meninggal hidup ganda.


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Amors Baller (2011)

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Download Film Amors Baller (2011)
Release Date: 2011 
Genre: Comedy
Cast: Harald William Borg Weedon, Kåre Hedebrant and Jana Opsahl
Quality: BDRip 720p
Encoder: SayFull@Ganool
Source: 720p BluRay x264-NOHD
Subtitle: Indonesia, English (N/A)

English Review
15 year old Lucas moves from Stockholm, Sweden, to a small town in Norway. He falls in love with Susanne, the goalkeeper of the local girl’s football team. To win her love, he joins the boy’s football team to participate in the Norway Cup, a large tournament held in Oslo. However, Lucas realizes things will be more difficult than he initially thought, because Susanne already has a boyfriend. At the same time, he has to fight for a position on the first team.

Sinopsis Indonesia
15 tahun Lucas bergerak dari Stockholm, Swedia, untuk sebuah kota kecil di Norwegia. Ia jatuh cinta dengan Susanne, kiper tim sepakbola gadis lokal. Untuk memenangkan cintanya, ia bergabung tim sepak bola anak untuk berpartisipasi di Piala Norwegia, sebuah turnamen besar yang diadakan di Oslo. Namun, Lucas menyadari hal-hal yang akan lebih sulit daripada awalnya ia berpikir, karena Susanne sudah memiliki pacar. Pada saat yang sama, ia harus berjuang untuk posisi di tim pertama.

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Release Date: 30 October 1998
Genre : Action, Fantasy, Horror, Thriller
Quality: BRRip
Starring: James Woods, Daniel Baldwin and Sheryl Lee 

The church has long known that vampires exist. However, it is discovered that a group of vampires are searching for a powerful doom for mankind. The Vatican then secretly enlists a team of vampire-hunters, led by Jack Crow, to hunt down and destroy the vampires before they find the crucifix.

Free Download Film / Movie VAMPIRES (1998) Gratis
Info :
Release Date : 11 February 2011 (UK)
Genre : Crime | Horror | Mystery
Quality : BRRip
Starring : Amber Heard, Odette Annable and Karl Urban

Sinopsis :
When two American girls on a bike trip in a remote part of Argentina split up and one of them goes missing, the other must find her before her worst fears are realized.

Free Download Film / Movie And Soon the Darkness (2011) Gratis
Release Date: 22 February 2011
Genre: Horror
Quality: DVDRip
sTARRING : Ben Sheppard, Jamison Challeen and Maren McGuire
Indonesia, English (N/A)


The world has changed. All the world’s strippers and women who have thought about stripping are flesh-eating zombies. One geeky guy tries to survive. He has a bunch of rules that help him. There’s also a bad-ass killer who joins him. Not to mention two good looking women. The tough-ass guy wants a cake baked from scratch. They encounter a white rapper who is getting the stripper zombies to dance for him. They encounter a pimp at the mall. Then there’s Grambo. And there’s a lot of stripper zombies. There’s even a cross-dressing actiong star. And what will happen when they get to Portland, Oregon–stripper central.
Free Download Film / Movie Stripperland (2011) Gratis 
Release Date: 13 July 2011 (France)
Drama | Adventure | Horror
Quality: DVDRip
Starring :
Bérénice Bejo, Grégoire Colin and Isabelle Renauld
Subtitle : Indonesia , English 
Sinopsis :
PREY tells the story of Nathan (BEAU TRAVAIL’S Gregoire Colin) who is at a countryside retreat for a Fall family reunion that he expects to be particularly stormy. Claire, his wife, has to announce her pregnancy and there are tough decisions that need to be made to prevent the family’s pesticides business from closing down. But on the first night that the family gathers, a terrorized deer mysteriously attacks Claire’s father. The men decide to venture into the surrounding forest to find the reasons for the animal’s odd behavior. Carrying a shotgun for the first time in his life and witnessing the growing tensions between the men in the family, Nathan soon discovers that hunting season is not over yet. Now they’ve become the prey. Marking the debut film for Antoine Blossier, PREY brings together a special effects team from some of Hollywood’s best films.
Free Download Film / Movie Prey (2010) Gatis
Part1 | Part2 | Part3