Download Film Stripperland (2011)

Release Date: 22 February 2011
Genre: Horror
Quality: DVDRip
sTARRING : Ben Sheppard, Jamison Challeen and Maren McGuire
Indonesia, English (N/A)


The world has changed. All the world’s strippers and women who have thought about stripping are flesh-eating zombies. One geeky guy tries to survive. He has a bunch of rules that help him. There’s also a bad-ass killer who joins him. Not to mention two good looking women. The tough-ass guy wants a cake baked from scratch. They encounter a white rapper who is getting the stripper zombies to dance for him. They encounter a pimp at the mall. Then there’s Grambo. And there’s a lot of stripper zombies. There’s even a cross-dressing actiong star. And what will happen when they get to Portland, Oregon–stripper central.
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